Ben Koller On New Converge Record: “This Could Be Our Best Album Yet”

Converge’s Ben Koller has commented on the material that the band are currently working on for their next album. According to him, the effort “could be [their] best album yet.”

Koller said the following via social media:

“There is A LOT of new @Convergecult material. I feel like I’m at Old Country metalcore Buffet and all the foods are RIFFS.”

He continued:

“It’s all over the place. We have crowdkilling, Fugazi, Mars Volta, Entombed, mathcore madness, slow Nate riffs where I play too fast, shitty riffs, emo riffs…This could be our best album yet no joke. We should proably ditch the shitty riffs though”

He also added the following while responding to a fan, who asked about the sound of the new music:

“Hard to say what the finished product will be but I will say that this feels like the most evolved, natural and fully realized bunch of material we have ever written. It’s tough to try and compare it to other albums. No Heroes feels like another lifetime at this point.”