Greg Puciato On The Dillinger Escape Plan’s Upcoming “Calculating Infinity” Anniversary Shows: “Why Would I Be Bummed? I’m Not On The Record”

As previously reported, The Dillinger Escape Plan will be returning to the stage this year for some “Calculating Infinity” 25th anniversary shows with vocalist Dimitri Minakakis. As such, ex-frontman Greg Puciato has now shared his thoughts on the decision, saying that he is “all for it.”

Puciato told Metal Hammer the following:

“It doesn’t bother me at all. When people ask me that, as if I’m gonna be bummed, I’m, like, why would I be bummed? I’m not on the record. To me, if the band was still a band, and some of those guys, obviously [original members Brian] Benoit [rhythm guitar], [Chris] Pennie [drums] and Adam [Doll, bass] aren’t [part of the reunion shows], but if, if Dimitri and Ben were, like, ‘Hey, we wanna do some ‘Calculating Infinity‘ shows, what am I gonna do? Be, like, ‘No!’ That doesn’t make any sense. I wasn’t on the record.”

He also added:

“So, I hope they’re wildly successful with it, and I hope that it does a lot of good for them — I hope it makes them feel good personally, those two. ‘Cause, obviously, Liam and Billy were not on that record, but the ending of them before I joined, I don’t think it was — it wasn’t fulfilling. It wasn’t a fulfilling closure. It wasn’t exactly on everybody’s terms involved.

So I think them being able to go back and do this and celebrate what is non-arguably a fucking genre-changing milestone record that many bands would not exist if it wasn’t for. They should play everywhere. They should come to London, they should go play festivals, they should do everything. Like I said, I’m all for it, man.”

[via Blabbermouth]