Tool’s Maynard James Keenan: “There’s Something To Be Said For Friction And The Need To Create”

During an interview with Metal Hammer, Tool’s Maynard James Keenan further discussed the lengthy wait between new releases from the band. According to him, “there’s something to be said for friction and the need to create.”

Keenan said the following:

“Well, considering one or more of us will be dead if we wait another 14 years, we might want to figure out a better way. So maybe figure out how to move faster. Make it the priority. You don’t have to skip any of the art part. You don’t have to skip any of the creative process. You just have to force yourself to be in the creative space more often and more consistently.

Tool is a more complicated beast with a lot of egos and a lot of other things going on in our lives. But all the creativity’s there, the songs and the ideas can flow and the arguments ensue. As soon as we get past the arguments, we can get shit done! Ha ha ha! I think we could do it more efficiently. And I think everyone’s on the same page that we have to get through that, because we can’t drag this out another 14 years.”

He also added the following about the creative process and how success hinders it:

“I think there’s something to be said for friction and the need to create. When you get fat and cozy, that art tends to disappear a little bit. Over here, we’re like those overcrowded rats in a terrarium, with plenty of food, plenty of water, plenty of bedding, and we just start eating each other because we’re bored.

When you have to actually struggle to find the food, find the shelter, find the clothing, there’s something to be said for that friction. It’s where the art happens. But when you’re rich and cozy, time is a beast, ’cause there’s no sense of urgency.

So that’s why I think things take a little longer, ’cause of the success. It almost is a deterrent, and you don’t really have a sense of urgency. So a month can pass with nothing happening and you don’t feel it. Whereas if somebody is desperate to put food on the table, you’re probably a little more efficient and a little more organized to get things moving along.”

Adam Jones also commented when asked if the band have started writing for their next release:

“No, we’re jamming. We haven’t really hit that mark. At some point someone’s going to call another person and go, ‘Hey, what do you think?’ No. ‘OK.’ Sometime later, ‘Hey, you ready?’ And they go, ‘Yeah, I’m ready.’ ‘I’m ready too. Let’s start jamming.’”