Interview: Ex-Kreator Bassist Christian “Speesy” Giesler Talks New Project Fore

I was recently given the opportunity to interview former Kreator bassist Christian “Speesy” Giesler about his new project Fore and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. You can read that chat below.

METAL ANARCHY: First of all, what led to your departure from Kreator?

GIESLER: I didn’t leave Kreator!

METAL ANARCHY: You have since joined the punk band Fore alongside Jeramie Kling (Venom Inc., The Absence), Taylor Nordberg (The Absence), and Brian Stephenson (Old James, Skull Fist). How did you get involved in that project?

GIESLER: That was pretty easy. Taylor and Jeramie had their one day one song thing! Taylor asked me if I would like to join them in a punk band the rest is history.

METAL ANARCHY: Fore’s new album “Hombres” was released last month. How would you describe it for those that haven’t heard it yet?

GIESLER: I would say 90s old school punk with our own style.

METAL ANARCHY: What was the recording process like?

GIESLER: Everyone worked for himself at home. We then each sent the traces and Taylor and Jeramie mixed it up until we said it had to sound like that.

METAL ANARCHY: What are some of your favorite tracks from the record?

GIESLER: Oh there I have none because the songs are all new if I said now that one song is better than the other we would have done wrong.

METAL ANARCHY: Fore also recently released a cover of Pennywise’s “Open Door” that was tracked during the “Hombres” sessions. Did you record any other covers that may surface at some point?

GIESLER: Yes, we recorded another cover song maybe we will release it too.

METAL ANARCHY: On another note, how have you been holding up during the coronavirus pandemic?

GIESLER: For us, it wasn’t really a total lockdown. We can still shop normally otherwise listen to a lot of music, etc.

METAL ANARCHY: Are you planning to tour in support of “Hombres” when its safe to do so?

GIESLER: If someone books us for shows and you can play live again, definitely.

METAL ANARCHY: Do you think the live music industry will ever recover from the current crisis?

GIESLER: Yes, everything will be recovered because the fans are not out of the world.

METAL ANARCHY: Lastly, what can fans do to support your band and others that may be struggling during the pandemic?

GIESLER: We already get a lot of support from fans who buy our CD. At the moment we don’t have more than just the CD. In December there will be an LP.