Guitarist Cis Deman Exits Stake

Cis Deman has announced his departure from Stake. The guitarist is exiting the band to pursue other endeavors.

Deman commented:

“It is with a mix of emotions that I announce I am leaving the band.

This has been a wild ride, and I want to thank my fellow brothers in arms Jesse, Brent, and Joris for the incredible journey we have shared. I also extend my thanks to the fans and the STAKE team for their unwavering support over the years.

For the last months I have stripped myself to the bone to see what I truly want in this life. It has led me to the conclusion that I must pursue my dream to move to the USA and seize the new opportunities that lay before me.

‘Sometimes a painter must step back to see the complete picture.’ With this in mind, I will let my guitar resonate in the deep for one last time on the 1st and 2nd November in Kortrijk.”