Heart Hoping To Work On New Music

During a recent interview with Billboard, Heart’s Ann and Nancy Wilson discussed the possibility of new music. The two sisters are hoping to release new material at some point, but they “don’t have plans for that right now.”

Ann said the following:

“The thing that we really hope to achieve is to maybe write some more stuff together. We don’t have plans for that right now. We don’t really plan too far in the future; we’re not calculating like that. We’re just gonna do this tour and see what comes. But I think if a song comes out of a situation, it’ll be a real good one, ’cause it’ll be authentic. It’s just a matter of me and Nancy getting our heads around that.”

Nancy added:

“There’s a couple unfinished things I’d like to finish off with Ann and [collaborator] Sue [Ennis]. There’s one really, really cool song called ‘Sweet Deceiver’, but the words were never right, so we never recorded it properly. I think I might want to finish that song; I’ve been trying to think of new chorus lyrics ever since I heard the demo. I would love to write some new stuff, too.

If we have a song or two that comes out of Heart, that would be really great. These days, it’s kind of like one song at a time, but you can still do a whole album, which is cool. I love albums. When I can put on an album in its entirety, in the sequence it was intended, that’s the best to me.”