Infected Rain Sitting Out Immediate Live Dates Due To Visa Issues

Infected Rain are sitting out five dates on their tour with Wednesday 13, Gemini Syndrome, and Black Satellite. The group are unable to perform due to Vadim “Vidick” Ojog and Eugen Voluta being delayed by visa issues.

The band initially issued the following statement:

“Dear Infected Rain Family

It is with a heavy heart that we share some unexpected and challenging news. Due to unforeseen delays and complications with the visa process, Vidick and Eugene will not be able to join the first two shows of our U.S. tour. We have put in every possible effort, hours on the phone with the embassy, multiple trips to couriers and more, to speed up the process. Unfortunately, regardless of our efforts, the system has been particularly slow this time.

We’re saddened to announce that we have to miss out on our shows in Los Angeles on October 20th and Las Vegas on October 21st. We understand the disappointment and believe us, we feel it deeply too. This situation has been a first for us and is equally devastating for our band as we were eagerly looking forward to these shows. We’re still hopeful that Vidick & Eugene can fly out immediately after securing their visas and join the rest of the tour as soon as possible.

On a positive note: Lena and Alice are already in the US! They’ll be at the venues, hosting the M&G and ready to hang out and meet all of you at our merch booth. Make sure to stop by and share a moment with them.

During these challenging times, we need the support of our Infected Rain Family more than ever. Not only does this situation hit us hard emotionally, it’s also a financial challenge for us.
We understand that many of you have been anticipating this tour as much as we have. But with the strength of you behind us, we’re sure we’ll pull through. We appreciate your patience, understanding and support more than words can express.

Thank you for being the heart of what we do. Until we meet on stage.

Infected Rain 🤍”

They later added:

“We regret to inform you that Infected Rain won’t perform at the first 5 shows of the US tour, due to pending visas for our band mates Eugene and Vidick.

Infected rain will start performing in full line up starting from Roseville California on October 27th.

For the first 5 shows Lena and Alice will be present at the venues to meet you,
Come say hi at the merch stand.

Thank you for standing by us and supporting the other bands on this tour”